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New book 'Maelstrom' due for release late 2024

Hot Ice Book Cover

This is the first book in the Douglas Trilogy. The second, 'Cold Chase' is due to be published in 2020.




A real action story - a brilliant diamond heist, arms smuggling, deception, hurt and betrayal. A brutal execution.


The book's main character, Jack Douglas, is back in Angola, a country to which he wished never to return after his years in Luanda in the early 90's as Managing Director of a Defence Security Company. He was here at the joint behest of the Angolan Government, the UK Government and CSO De Beers to review the security of the diamond mining operations. Stolen stones were being used to buy more weapons for the bands of marauding groups left from Savimbi’s UNITA forces, a constant threat to the Angolan Government.


Douglas, a former Scots Guards officer, is also tasked to report back to an autonomous Intelligence and Special Operations Department in the British Government. There follows a twisted tale of diamond security operations, theft, deceit, betrayal, obfuscation, and Embassy interference. A sub plot runs with Douglas uncovering an arms smuggling deal, master minded by two senior ex IRA members, who execute his friend Sylvette as a warning to him to steer clear. The tale unfolds with a brilliantly planned diamond heist of uncut stones, the subsequent get away and the fencing of the stones in Holland.

'Scotch on the Rocks'


Excellent read. If you like Forsyth you will enjoy this rumble in the jungle. A well researched story about the troubled times in West Africa.


Amazon Review


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The 'Douglas Trilogy'
Hot Ice, the 1st book in the Douglas trilogy
Cold Chase, the 2nd book in the Douglas trilogy
Final Tap, the 3rd book in the Douglas trilogy
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